Boiler Stopper

A client had an issue where emergency boiler shutdown buttons were not covered and due to specific design of stoppers, the regular plastic covers were not an option. We solved it by designing a cover that is easy to use and simple to remove in case of emergency.

Sink Release Sign

A client had repeating guest complaints regarding clogged sinks. In reality sinks weren’t clogged, but many guests were struggling to understand how to release the drain. We suggested to make signs that will inform the guest on how to do it.

Stencil For Drilling

A client had a big project where they had to drill evenly distanced holes and everything had to be perfectly leveled. We designed custom stencils for that project with a little level in the middle.

Garbage Bin Restrainer

A client had an issue where their nightclub customers were throwing glasses in garbage bins. The solution was to design covers which would not allow anything wider that 2 inch items to be thrown into the garbage bin.

Shower Strainer

A client had an issue with drains constantly getting clogged. After reviewing the problem we found that the strainers were too short. Therefore, we’ve designed longer strainers that don’t have to be cleaned that often.

Little Truck Model

A client needed custom holders in the original shape for the show. We offered to make a little old fashioned truck, since the event theme was very good fitting for this design.

No Smoking Sign

A client needed no smoking signs which we designed and delivered to the property.

Headboard Light Cover

A client had a problem where custom headboard lights would constantly break and the replacement was not available, which head a negative effect on customer experience. We designed covers that would replace the broken light and make the headboard look as fresh as new.